VOSTacademy at TCRH Mosbach

VOSTacademy at TCRH Mosbach

VOSTacademy at TCRH Mosbach

Education and training of virtual operation support teams

The VOSTacademy office has been based at the TCRH Training Center Retten Mosbach for a long time. The VOSTacademy offers hybrid education and training for virtual operation support teams.

What does VOST mean?

VOST stands for Virtual Operations Support Team.

In recent major damage situations - such as the floods in the Ahr Valley or in longer-lasting situations such as major fires, rampages or terrorist attacks, obtaining information via social media has become increasingly important.

In such situations, the population - but also aid organizations or municipalities - use social media as an information and exchange platform, and photos and videos taken on site are sometimes uploaded immediately after the event occurs.

The flood of relevant information is becoming difficult to keep track of, especially for emergency services, and the topic of fake news, AI-generated images and texts created with Chat-GPT are making it increasingly difficult to filter out “real” and relevant information.

A Virtual Operations Support Team, or VOST for short, can now provide helpful support to local operations management.

Classic tasks of a VOST

  • continuous monitoring of social media (= digital situation reconnaissance) and corresponding documentation,
  • checking the results for truthfulness (= verification),
  • the visualization and creation of maps using georeferenced data,
  • the selection of information and the passing on of important information to the operations staff or the operations management and
  • Cooperation with other digital networks and VOSTs.


We are an association of people from civil protection who want to pass on their operational experience in digital operational support to other interested parties.

We offer various seminars on the subject of VOST - starting from the VOST basic training, through tool training to individualized training and further education offers

Our teachers all have many years of practical experience and know the high relevance of real and verified information gathering, processing and forwarding.

The bigger the situation, the more complex the situation in social media is and we have developed standardized training in the area of ​​digital operational support for employees in VOST groups, but also in media teams and for those interested.

Support and participate

The Academy offers its members, among other things, expanded access to our information platform and a VOST dashboard with lots of information about the most important tools and further links.

Academy members also receive discounted and sometimes free training opportunities such as special tool training or intensive workshops.


VOSTacademy eV
Luttenbachtalstraße 30
74821 Mosbach
E-Mail: info@vost-academy.eu

Flyer “VOSTacademy”

Further information

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